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Provisional GCSE results published on Thursday – 4 things to consider

Posted by Chris Bloor on 15/10/15 09:38

This Thursday the Department for Education (DfE) intend to publish provisional results for secondary schools. For more information on exactly what’s being published you can see one of our previous blogs.

Why does this matter?_85087461_gcse2015mixedboys.girlsjumping.jpg

 It’s the first time that your latest GCSE results will be published in advance of the October 31st deadline for secondary admission applications. 

Before deciding on secondary schools, parents will now be able to access your up to date performance data on the DfE website. It will be easy for them to compare your latest exam results with those of other schools in the local area. How much of a bearing this will have on their preferences is not yet understood, but we know attainment is important to parents. 

What’s also uncertain is how the media will react to the publication. There’s a possibility you could receive more attention than you’re used to at this time of year. To ensure you’re not caught off guard, we recommend considering the following:

  1. What might the local press publicise about your 2015 results?
  2. Do your key stakeholders have the right key messages about your results?
  3. How will you take advantage of any positive news coverage?
  4. How will you limit any potential negative impact on your 2016 student recruitment?
Want to hear more? Contact our team today on or by calling 0208 892 2242.