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Teacher recruitment

Posted by Chris Bloor on 22/02/16 14:08

WiStock_000022839389_Large.jpge are being approached on a daily basis by schools, Local Authorities and Multi-Academy Trusts who are going to extreme measures in a bid to fill their teaching positions. Whilst we cannot (and will not!) claim to have the answers to the national shortage, we do support the notion that marketing has a role to play.

We are in a teachers’ marketplace and school leaders need to change their recruitment habits in a bid to stand out from the crowd.

  • Have you considered your unique proposition for staff?
  • How is this being promoted?
  • What is the experience of a candidate who comes for interview?
  • Or even when an applicant goes through your application process?

The channels you use are crucial. We recommend a combined approach that includes traditional advertising, social media and creative methods such as utilising your teachers’ personal networks through incentive schemes.



Topics: Teacher recruitment