Everyone knows what a happy school Adamsrill is. Even Ofsted. When they last visited in January 2020 and confirmed that the school was still ‘Good’, they announced in the opening line of their report: ‘Pupils give visitors a cheerful welcome at Adamsrill Primary School. Pupils show a real interest in other people’s lives and in the world around them. They are engaging, confident and witty in conversation.’
Adamsrill approached us after seeing first-hand our work with another school who highly recommended us. Following a meeting to discuss priorities, the school knew that its cumbersome website had too many steps to upload information and therefore slowed down their communication and online presence. The school’s primary objective was to enhance their brand identity and public profile so that it matched their position as a highly reputable school in Lewisham. Adamsrill was keen to promote the unique pupil experience and wanted to engage with all its stakeholders effectively; and they understood that the website was a key marketing tool.
Immediately after launching the school’s new website, and other marketing collateral that we created, the traffic that the school received increased, with attendance at open mornings skyrocketing as well as referrals to the nursery. The school was able to assess data, undertake parental surveys and other key functions that has impacted on future marketing strategies. Then the pandemic hit and the new website was crucial for communicating with children and parents throughout the lockdowns and bubble isolations. It also provided the school with an integrated home learning platform.
The benefits for the school included strongly improved communications, especially for parents who were unable to come into the school due to restrictions. They could now witness their child’s learning, play and progress through videos, photos and class blogs. In addition, there was 100% buy-in from governors who monitored the school’s provision and curriculum via the website and throughout the pandemic.
“We met with the Grebot Donnelly team and outlined the priorities that were needed. Initially to ensure that the communication on the website completely mirrored that which was sent home and out into the school community. The turnaround was incredibly efficient and the team soon arranged and provided us with direction and vision, produced a video and other promotional material which were tremendously helpful. Throughout the process the team was always on hand to help and offer excellent training. Even now members of the team are available to help and resolve queries. The website speaks for itself as we have had several schools contact us and ask who we use. It has been an absolute pleasure working with Grebot Donnelly and we have no hesitation in highly recommending their services.”
Dr Increase Eko, Headteacher