When recruiting staff in your magnetic field is your school attractive or repellent? Possibly a deeply personal question but intensely important at this time of turbulence; recession, Brexit, a global pandemic to name just a few recent challenges!

According to research, if we look back over the last 10 years, prior to the pandemic, teachers had been leaving the profession increasingly rapidly and the retention of staff had been a top priority for education ministers. However, the pandemic and the ensuing recession has made the relative stability and security of the teaching profession far more attractive to graduates. In 2020, as employment opportunities dried up across the UK, 16% more people applied to become teachers than in the previous year. Recruitment targets were met and far fewer teachers moved schools or quit the profession, reversing the trend of the previous decade.
Unfortunately, the current workforce is exhausted, and the bumper crop of new entrants may not be as attached to the profession as earlier recruits. Having joined teacher training during a recession, many may choose not to stay on once higher-paying jobs open up elsewhere – this may also apply to other colleagues.
So what’s happening in the commercial world in terms of recruitment? Organisations are working hard on finding their magical magnetic field and all the factors that will ensure they are attractive in a competitive marketplace. Getting the basics right has never been more important: salary, training, respect and safety along with a positive, healthy, welcoming and vibrant culture, whilst never overlooking brand and reputation because that also makes a positive impact.
In terms of recruiting top talent there is a need for more than just the basics….these are some of the magnets – strong leadership, personal growth and an alignment of mission, vision, values and impact between the organisation and prospective employees.
So ask yourself, is your school a force to be reckoned with? Have you got the pull, the competitive edge and the employee value proposition that high quality staff can’t resist?
Here’s a short test to see if you’re A-OK or in need of some extra help:
- Does your website have a year round populated section: Careers/Working with Us? (-2 points if it’s boringly entitled Vacancies)
- Do you use regular surveys as part of your staff retention strategy?
- Do you showcase and promote the wide range of benefits and incentives of working at your school?
- Do you have a chart/information depicting the career development opportunities?
- Are there case studies, testimonials and profiles from a range of teaching and support staff?
- Do you have a school LinkedIn page that promotes job opportunities?
- Do you have an annual social media strategy that is targeted and thematic? (+1 point if this is across multiple media platforms)
- Do you promote the benefits of living and working in your specific area?
- Are your adverts eye catching and creative rather than crowded and boring?
- Have you invested in an attractive online staff prospectus? (+3 points if your school is trailblazing and has created this great marketing tool)
For every yes give yourself one point and for every no, nil points (said in true Eurovision style). If you scored 5 or less here are a few free ideas to support your staff retention and recruitment strategies:
- Sign up to one of our free marketing workshops – 25 masterclasses on offer – the next Teacher retention/recruitment workshop is on Tuesday 8th March @ 9.30am
- Download our White Papers: Inside the world of school branding and Prospecting for Gold: successful recruitment and retention of staff and pupils in the education sector
- A copy of our 2021/22 diary with partner organisation case studies
- A printed journal featuring a year in the life of an education marketer
- A complimentary 20 minute one-to-one mentoring session for your school
To find out more email Aimee Monteith to discuss your requirements on aimeemonteith@grebotdonnelly.com or call 020 8892 2242.